have you ever left an apple core lying around after you ate the apple?
What happen to it?
It turned brown, right?
Why it turned brown?
The answer is OXIDATION.
BELIEVE IT OR NOT the same thing happens to humans, as we use oxygen to create energy, we produce a by-product called FREE-RADICALS
"ALMOST ALL DISEASE caused by free radicals," Dr.Lester Packer, PhD
Scientists report: 95% of the world population fail to follow recommended diet.
the unbalanced diet can cause FREE RADICAL
MonaVie's delicious blend of body-beneficial fruits is designed to nourish your body with powerful antioxidants and nutrients to help fight free radicals and maintain your body's overall health.
95% manusia tidak dapat mengamal diet yang teratur termasuk ANDA dan SAYA. Setiap hari makan ayam goreng, ikan goreng, ayam masak merah, masakan rumah, kedai mamak, fast food...takkan saya tak makan langsung makanan macam tu? ANDA dan SAYA nak sihat tetapi tidak mengamal diet yang betul. Mengambil makanan yang tidak seimbang boleh mengakibatkan gejala seperti di atas.